
Day 3 - Saturday, August 28, 2021

7:00 AM - Got on Ferry

We were going to Victoria, B.C. on this day, and we drove on and got on to the 7:00 AM ferry. We were greeted by excellent views of the water and mountains.

9:15 AM - Went to Subway

After a few delays exiting the ferry and a short drive, we reached Subway to get breakfast.

9:45 AM - Butchart Gardens

We then reached the Butchart Gardens. We first went to the sunken garden, then ventured the rose garden and Japanese Garden. The garden was beautiful, as was the view.

The architecture and infrastructure was a sight to marvel.

12:30 PM - Victoria Park

After visiting the garden, we went to a park in Victoria, which had a zoo. We went to the zoo and saw donkeys, goats, and pigs.

Girish Uncle made pulao for us, which was delicious. Vyas and I played soccer for a while.

2:00 PM - Visiting the Shore

We visited the shoreline, going down on the rocks and seeing the incredible view.

We also found seaweed, which had a slimy and smooth texture.

2:30 PM - Royal British Columbia Museum

We left to see the museum, which was in the town centre of Victoria. We also got a look at the B.C. Parliament.

The museum had two main floors, the natural history floor and the human history floor.

The natural history floor had exhibits on orcas, dinosaurs, and the landscape of B.C. Some of the full-room exhibits (such as a view of a beach) were stunning.

The next floor, the human history floor had multiple exhibits. The first exhibit was an interactive one, where we could listen to greetings in multiple Native American languages. There was also a video on the structure and patterns of Native American languages, and how they eventually died out.

A real-sized exhibit on Native American teepees were excellent.

There were also multiple exhibits on industries after the colonizers arrived. There was a ship as well, apparently similar to the ones the colonizers arrived in.

The next exhibit was a life-sized reenactment of a town centre (presumably from the early-to-mid 1900s). This included a hotel (which we could go upstairs into), a cinema playing a Charlie Chaplin movie, a train ticket booth, and more.

The next few exhibits included many model ships and artifacts that the colonizers used. There were other exhbits as well, but we ran out of time, so we had to leave.

4:00 PM - Water Taxi to Fisherman's Wharf

After the museum, we went over to the shore and hopped aboard a water taxi to go to the Fisherman's Wharf, a shoreline attraction full of stores and restaurants.

Once we arrived, we went on a walk across the wharf. We then went to a Mexican restaurant to get a bowl of (expensive) nachos. The nachos had beans, cheese, and a few veggies. Then, we got ice cream. Vyas and I shared a sundae with a chocolate-vanilla swirl and hot fudge.

We also found a massive chess board, and played a few moves.

We then proceeded to walk back to where we came from.

6:00 PM - Parliament Visit

We visited the British Columbia Parliament, which was luxurious-looking. We took some pictures and sat there for a few minutes.

7:00 PM - Back on Ferry

Once our activities in Victoria were finished, we hopped aboard the ferry, where we had churmure (slightly different from bhel puri). It was not a good idea to eat it aboard the ferry, as the puri flew everywhere.

Since we were still hungry, we went to the cafeteria and had a regular fries and a sweet potato fries.

For the latter part of the journey, we resided in the front of the ferry, which had seats. Then, the announcement to return to the vehicles was made, and we did so.

As we arrived in Surrey, we went to sleep.